Finally Team Shot Glasses has come back to The Nefarium.
Our very opinionated contributor Nick (also known as the GnomeGnerd) has made no secret of his disstratusfaction dissatisfaction with the WWE as of late. He’s gathered our smartest and snarkiest smarks together in his spacious lair to discuss the granddaddy of ’em all, WrestleMania 30, the disappearance of CM Punk, the Yes! Movement, and the general downward spiral of the biggest company in Sports Entertainment.
Special thanks for Paul and Brian Bobby for joining us.
Shotcast Episode 03: Ramblemania Part 01
[powerpress url=”″]Click here to download.
[powerpress url=”″]Click here to download.
Shotcast Episode 03: Ramblemania Part 02
[powerpress url=”″]Click here to download.
[powerpress url=”″]Click here to download.
Shotcast Episode 03: Ramblemania Part 03
[powerpress url=”″]Click here to download.
[powerpress url=”″]Click here to download.
Shotcast Episode 03: Ramblemania Part 04
[powerpress url=”″]Click here to download.
[powerpress url=”″]Click here to download.