Category Archives: Binge Linking

Binge Linking: Knock Back a Few

Korra new season starts Oct 3, and Log Horizon second season is Oct 4. I’m excited!

Now that the new season of Korra is coming, I feel I can talk about a little thing that bother me (JD will have more things) last season.

They kept bringing in subplots and not resolving them. Plants covering the city, forget about it. Earth queen mistreating her citizens, eh she’s dead now so I guess everything is okay. Why bring it up if you weren’t going to do anything about it. Just a little nitpick.

I feel like shooting things. Tomorrow, Saturday afternoon I think I’m going to play some ME3 multiplayer and/or Borderlands 2, both on the xbox. Who’s with me? Edit: [Got caught up in somethings, didn’t get to play anything]

Friday linking will be different. It will be one continuous update all weekend(mostly just friday and saturday), So here are the first links of your Weekend Upd…I don’t think we can use that name.

Why is that place right behind an opera house?

Someone get me an 3DS!

Season 4 trailer So I guess my little nit will be addressed the season…

Chicks dig giant robots!


BL: Three times the links…

Surprise is binge linking is now three times a week, Yay!

Mondays are going to be comic book focused

Question first; Been catching up on MLP:FiM (I’m not a brony, I just enjoy good cartoons) How does monarchy work in Equestria? Twilight gets an upgrade and now she’s princess of Ponyville? I’m pretty sure they already have a Mayor…


Where’s my Agents of S.W.O.R.D at?

Cable just gonna mess up the timeline again…

Pretty sure they hate him too

You just hit the Jackpot

Excelsior, Sign me up!



Binge Linking: Heroes in a Half Shell

The new Turtles movie comes out today the 8th. Not going to sugar-coat it, The movie looks bad.

But you know what was good, Guardians of the Galaxy! Did we all see that already?

While I link to forget this horrible thing ever was released, Link up to MCU Phase 2…

(To be clear, It is just random links as per usge…)

Partners in Kryme (Kryme w/ a k, so you know they mean serious 90’s business)


Anytime is the right time to use this

For science!

To get to the porn uh, I mean the information super highway faster…

Next, Rock plays Pokemon…

And it was going so well…

Merc with a Mouth


Binge Linking: Shaking Things Up

Like with a Tumblr…

I’m saying we have a Tumblr.  Also today will be a little different, The links will all be webcomics


Between The Failures: A comic set in retail

JL8: The Justice League in Kindergarten

Sequential Art: A Guy with a Cat and a Penguin for roommates


LunarBaboon: Not about space monkeys, but unexpected and touching sometimes

ShotGun Shuffle: Randomness Comic-fied


Secret Link of the Day


Binge Linking: Down the hatch

On the half shell, They’re the heroes 4

For 30 years now, We have been here…

They’ve got a power and a force to come back again

So I guess it’s the end of the world, it’s canon


The whole series should be on steam

Write your name in the language of time lords

Your favorite characters, all growned up…like that rugrats abomination, but these are good

Binge Linking: I’m Back Baby Dolls!

And we rally! Sorry we’ve been gone for the past week or so… Time to link.

 Two addicting games into one…

75 years! Excelsior!

Nice visual style and concept

What’s the difference between this and a plutocracy in the U.S.?…

Waste time re-spinning instead of wasting time not picking a movie.

Xbone giveaway

How long before he comes back…. and is on 8 different teams.

Think the movie will have anything this good?

The Mortal Kombat series was good, hope this one will be better…Â