Category Archives: Shot Glasses

Tunesday – Infinite Jukebox & Cartoon Network Groovies

I missed last Tunesday because I was too busy playing with Infinite Jukebox. Now your favorite song never has to end.

Put in the tune of your choice, Infinite Jukebox finds different paths to follow through the song to keep it looping without it simply repeating. Sometimes the results are crazy, sometimes they’re scary, sometimes they’re scrazy.

You can pick some of the many songs that others have uploaded or upload one yourself.

Here are a few good ones I found:
Hanging on the edge of tomorrow, forever.

GLaDOS will never die.

Walking around in circles, walking around in circles…

And speaking of walking around in circles, last weeks Tunesday was going to be the Cartoon Network Groovies.

Back before it jumped the Jabberjaw, Cartoon Network had the best commercials. One example of that was their series of Groovies, songs made by surprisingly prominent artists, like They Might Be Giants and, even Sugar Ray and Coolio.

Here’s a playlist of a few of my favorites.

Cartoon, Cartoon!

Would Be To Court Death

With Captain America that makes six, We’re ready to assemble!: The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes


Was Avengers everything you hoped for? Did this scene make your heart a flutter? I’m going to watch again just cause. Ok, enough gushing, After Credit  Scenes.

Avengers had two scenes just to make sure you left knowing this was no ordinary Marvel movie. The first scene with Thanos and his minion where the minion says “To challenge them is to court death.” and Thanos smiled…Oh nerdgasm.

The second scene was a nice little callback to getting shawarma. It was funny. Kinda a dick to make them open and serve them after half the city was destroyed, but they did just save the day so they get a pass.


After this, spoilers if you haven’t seen the Phase 2 movies


Tunesday: Sonic and Hip Hop

Sonic the Hedgehog and Hip Hop is a perfect fit. And it’s not just because of his fixation on cool sneakers and gold rings.

Everyone knows that Sonic can really move, but most people forget that he also has an attitude. After all, he was the original bad boy (can’t stop, won’t stop, eh-eh!) of video game mascots. He had a swagger to him that Mario just could never match. Sure, it seems like Mario threw more parties, but that’s only because you weren’t cool enough to be invited to one of Sonic’s.

For this Tunesday, I picked three OverClocked Re-Mixes that combine Sonic and Hip Hop into a rhythmic Resse’s Peanut Butter Cup of awesomeness. So check out these great songs:

One of the coolest tracks from Sonic 3, turned into an ice cold instrumental for Just Us to lay down some below-zero auto-biographical lyrics. Brr!

One of my favorite tracks from Sonic Adventure, Unknown from M.E. Re-Mixed with some fun surprises, especially as Jose pummels the last verse with rhymes and references.

I loved OverClocked Assembled’s work on the APEX 2014 album and this track gives Sonic CD the same all-star treatment.

Never forget that Sonic was once voiced by hip-hop icon Jaleel White. Where was Urkel when they made, Shadow the Hedgehog? Am I right?

All the previous tracks are available to download for free from OCRemix, here, here, and here.


Binge Linking: Pre-Gaming

First a slight rant;

You have milkshakes to go and You have alcoholic milkshake, but I can’t have an alcoholic milkshake to go? You are on notice Bobby’s Burger Place.

Let’s link to get the most out of the night

Hacking this would not be funny

You had me at pub

“The Brute” I like it

Halt!Games really trying to get in your pockets

EVO! Kad should be there

Seven years? You guys are slow…

Why didn’t you tell me Siri!?!

More like 3.5D

Never played Morrowind, Should I before this?

Nope! All Zeldas are perfect


I want my milkshake BBP, I’m watching you…

PAX East Day Three Review

Was PAX East really over two months ago? Feels like I was there just yesterday.

With E3 nipping at our heels, now’s the perfect time for the final entry of my in depth review of the event.


No concerts tonight, but OC Remix University did a set in the Jam Space. I almost missed it, but someone was at the door shouting out “CHRONO TRIGGER!” as I walked by, so I went right in. Incredible set.

Immediately after, they had a panel and previewed a lot of their upcoming projects. One of which is out now, Milky Way Wishes: A Kirby Super Star Tribute. They also previewed Bad Ass 2, a sequel to their first villain theme remix album, Bad Ass. This album is a must-listen. And I can’t wait for BA2. My friends and I spent a lot of time in the hotel listening to the Baby Bowser boss theme from Yoshi’s Island and I was thrilled to see that a remix to that will be on this album.

Back in the Jam Space, just enjoying the music. At one point Amanda Lepre (Crusader from Those Who Fight) joined the jam. Also there was a kid who played a killer Song of Storms arrangement on his Ocarina.

Suddenly I’m very inspired to attend MAGFest next year. And also, I’m ready to play some games.


Got a better look at Ducktails Remastered. Meh. The returning voice actors from the cartoon is great, but those high-res remastered sprites don’t move their beaks when the characters are talking. It’s weird. Plus, it looks so much better than the original, but not quite the same as a cartoon. Something is off, something is missing. It’s the uncanny valley between game sprites and cell drawn cartoons. Creeps me out.

Finally got to try the two best indie games at the convention. The first is Soda Drinker Pro, a soda drinking simulator that challenges gamers to drink a cup of soda. To up the challenge, you are given a variety of environments to drink in, such as a pack, a game convention, outer space, and even inside a giant month. Game of the Year is here. Sorry, Bioshock.

The second is Dive Kick, the most challenging and strategic fighting game you’ll ever play. The game controller has two buttons: Dive and Kick. The combat is visceral and cerebral at the same time as fighters try to dive kick each other to score that one hit K.O. One wrong move. One early kick or late dive and you’re dead.

I’m not being sarcastic, this game is intense. You know that feeling when both you and your foe are down to a sliver of health and one wrong move can mean defeat? Every round feels exactly like that.

You pick from a assortment of fun parody characters, each with their own style and advantages. Choose carefully. And heed the advice of Master, who inspires you during the loading screens with such words of wisdom as “Buy this game.”


I saw a sexy Sonic cosplay, accompanied by a Knuckles who looked like he’d beat the gold rings out of me if he saw how I was looking at Sonic. Sunday seemed to be cross-play day, because I also saw an all male Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers team. Morphinominal!


Made another attempt at finding Cards Against Humanity Pack C. No success. I give up. I try my luck at the bar.


The bar is out of Guinness. This convention is officially over.

Final Grade: B+

Overall PAX East Grade: 95%

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PAX East Day Two Review


Surprise, more buttons from FanGamer! Non-sarcastic surprise, one of those buttons was a special Triforce button, which got me a free t-shirt from their booth! The power to make wishes come true, indeed.

I raided the queue room a few times for swag bags, in an attempt to get all three sets of the PAX exclusive Cards Against Humanity booster cards. Unfortunately, half the extra bags I took had already been looted for their bounty and returned to the pile. Karma sucks.


You know what doesn’t suck? Legends of the Cipher. It is a deck building card game that takes you through the life of a budding MC, struggling to climb up the ladder from local rapper to hip hop legend. And it’s a lot of fun. I sat down with the lead game designer and rapper Seth Brown, also known as Ham-STAR, and played a quick round. Simple, easy to set up and get into, and a lot of fun. Especially the free-styling part, which you can actually have fun with and make up on the spot, or recite a favorite rhyme from memory, or just use the ones printed on the cards.

I also sat down to watch a demo of Saints Row IV. I was worried that this wondrously ridiculous game would die now that THQ was finished, but Deep Silver picked up the ball and kept running. Somehow this manages to be even more ludicrous than the last installment. The demo showcased a few weapons, such as the Inflato-Ray and the Dubstep Gun. Both are exactly what you think they are. Also, mech suits, aliens, and super powers are involved. Oh, and I forgot to mention that your character is now inexplicably the President of the United States. Hail to the Chief!


And hail to the cosplayers on Saturday. It seems people saved their A-Game for Day Two. There was a great family cosplay of Glados, some random Aperture Science employee, and the portrait of Cave Johnson. I also ran into a steampunk Sailor Moon and a GIANT Pikachu with working ears. It’d be terrifying if it weren’t so adorable.

I also spotted an old favorite of mine, Mr. T with his giant box of Mr. T cereal. He rocks!


“Double Johnny Walker Black on the rocks, please.” After a long day of wandering the convention hall, I decided to kill time before the concert by getting wrecked at the bar. The bartenders there take forever to get to you, but at a event that might as well be called “Queue-topia” what’s one more line.

Two drinks later, it was time for the show.


It was impossible to tell that this was Sam Hart’s first time performing at PAX East. His set was fantastic and he had the crowd eating out of his hand with his Mario Kart song. The Adele sample he threw in was a great touch.

MC Frontalot had an good set. No new songs and no surprise feature from Mega Ran this year (he was busy doing his own show elsewhere), but his remix of the Penny Arcade Theme with the Game of Thrones theme sample was mind blowing.

No new songs from Coulton either, but his set was hilarious. He seemed to have learned from his previous two PAX East performances that the crowd goes wild whenever he drinks water, so he trolled us by drinking refreshing applesauce instead.

Paul and Storm Storm and Paul headlined PAX this year! Zealous Arrr! They started with an ad for their web series, Learning Town. Looks hilarious. Then they opened with a completely original song, Baby Got Back. They followed that with a list of favorites, closing of course with the crowd rousing The Pirate’s Wife’s Lament. Also, Storm put on a Utilikilt that was thrown on stage during the show. Also, they had the crowd of something thousand geeks tweet an ASCII penis to Wil Whedon.

A good day and a great night. PAX East can really drain the life out of you and at this point I was definitely feeling it. Sunday is going to be a very lazy day.

Final Grade: 9.5 out of 10.