Tag Archives: new york comic con

Binge Linking: Cosplay

Trick or Treat, Knurds.

In the spirit of the holiday, this edition of Binge Linking is a collection of some of the best cosplay I’ve seen in recent months. Cheers!

  • Batman costumes have come a long way since the child suffocating plastic mask with the rubber band in the back.
  • The live-action reboot of Fern Gully looks good. Tim Curry and Robin Williams are rumored to reprise their iconic roles. No word yet if Samuel L. Jackson will make an after-the-credits cameo.
  • Finally, Legend of Zelda: Twlight Princess in HD. Thanks for nothing, Nintendo.
  • Behold, the glory of the true Doctor Doom. I don’t know who that jerk in the Fantastic Four movies was. Probably a Doombot.
  • It’s hard to Miss a Marvelous costume like this. Get it?
  • This 8-Bit Samus cosplay is made of win. And, uh, cardboard.
  • What’s Wolverine’s favorite desert? A Banana Snikt!

And here’s a pair of galleries of NYCC cosplayers, taken by professional photographers.

Thanks to Fashionably Geek, SoGeekChic, and ComicAlliance for a lot of these links.

Happy Halloween,

Con Artists

Team Shot Glasses had a great time at New York Comic Con this weekend! Walking Dead! Young Justice! Marvel vs. Capcom 3! Top Cow Pilot Season! Squirrel Girl! Incredible!

I should add that Mosaic was not bad, Stripperella was hilarious, and if you haven’t read or watched Heroman, Stan Lee’s latest project with Japanese anime studio Bones, do so immediately.

Unfortunately, we did not get to meet Stan Lee. Maybe next year…

Originally, we planned to have this comic printed to hand out at the convention, but we had a problem with the printing company. Maybe next year.


Comic Con Carne

Anyone excited about the Comic Conventions coming up in October?

Team Shot Glasses apologizes for not having a brand new comic this Monday. We’ve been exceptionally busy working on some exclusive material to hand out at Big Apple Comic Con and New York Comic Con. We will be attending both conventions as fans and handing out some free Shot Glasses swag. After the convention, expect to find us at Dave and Buster’s, conducting further “research” for the comic.

Speaking of which, we have some big things coming up soon for the comic, starting next Monday.

In the meanwhile, here are two random (but amazing) links:

The first is an interactive YouTube video featuring The Dark Knight’s Batman and Joker in a breakdancing battle. Enjoy.

The second is so beautiful that it must been seen to be believed. Check it out here.
Even if it means gutting one of my precious VMUs, after the Comic Conventions are over I need one of those.