Tag Archives: zelda

Tunesday – Eminem Zelda Rap Mix

This song isn’t exactly “nerdcore,” but I’ve been on an Eminem binge since Sunday so just run with it.

The true title of this song is “Hellbound,” and the rappers you are hearing are Eminem, Masta Ace, and J-Black. I’d be surprised if you’ve heard of those last two. This song is from the album “Game Over” by Yosumi Records. I’d be surprised if you’ve heard of those last two too.

I discovered this song back into the P2P file sharing days when I was downloading all of the Zelda music I could find. The song was entitled “Eminem Zelda Mix”, three things relevant to my interests, so I downloaded it. The beat is actually a sample from SoulCalibur , “Sacrifice” by Junichi Nakatsuru. I discovered it the same night I discovered the trailer for SoulCalibur II, so imagine my excitement.

This is my favorite mainstream-ish songs with nerdy influences, followed closely by Cocoa Brovas “Super Brooklyn” and Li’l Flip’s “Game Over.” Not to be confused with Yosumi Records’ “Game Over.”

It also turns out that Eminem might be a bit of a closet nerd. The beginning of the song Rap God is sampled from a Captain America and Falcon comic and Marshall goes on to name drop Krypton and Asgard in the lyrics. Combine that with the numerous instances of superhero Cosplay and I think we have a fanboy.


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Just watched the trailer for the new Legend of Zelda game for Wii. Mixed feelings.

Don’t get me wrong, I am always happy to see a new Zelda game. My mixed feelings stem from the beginning bit of the trailer where they run through the last four gimmicks/innovations for console Zelda games. It makes me wonder what message are they trying to send. Aside from a control scheme deeply rooted in motion controls, I didn’t notice any new “game changer.” When I heard the title “Skyward Sword” I half expected some magical steam punk airplane. Or perhaps a Pegasus. But I got nothing.

So.. did the beginning mean that are they leaving the game changing gimmick behind? Or are they saving its reveal for later? They’ve never been coy about them before. Why start now? Or was that beginning part meant to symbolize the evolution of the gimmick? Instead of changing the way you play with in-game transformations or new modes of transportation, Nintendo is changing how you play by.. changing how you play with the motion controls.

Of course, it’s possible I’m looking way too much into this. For those who haven’t seen it, they can find it here or here for the longer version.
